Monday-Thursday: 9am to 3pm
Friday: 9am to 4pm &
5pm to 7pm
Saturday: 9am to 7pm
Sunday: 9am to 4pm
Safety is our number one priority. Jummps management and staff will maintain a safe and fun environment, however we need all Jumpers to do their part by:
Trampolining is an action sport and injuries can occur. Jumpers need to consider the risks associated with trampolining (as with any action sport) and assess the risk of each activity based on capability. Jummps caters for all skill levels from beginners to professionals and whilst we want our jumpers to have an awesome experience every time, it is important for all jumpers to remain within their capability and skill level to minimise the risk of injury.
All Jumpers are required to wear our approved grip socks which are designed to help maximise grip and safety as well as maintaining a hygienic environment.
Jumps has four main areas:
The general rules apply to all areas of Jummps trampoline park. Each section will also have specific rules based on the activity, which will be displayed around the centre. Before entering a section jumpers should familiarise themselves with these rules and responsibilities.